In order for a turf to grow and thrive, it needs a number of different chemical elements. The most important are:

  • Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen - Available from air and water and therefore in plentiful supply
  • Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - The three macronutrients and the three elements you find in most packaged fertilizers
  • Sulfur, calcium, and magnesium - Secondary nutrients
  • Boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc - Micronutrients

       To make turf grow faster, what you need to do is supply the elements that the grass needs in readily            

       available forms. That is the goal of fertilizer.

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Soil Amendments

SEP Solubles are a complete macro and micro all in a soluble form to protect the nitrogen with Agrotain.

Animated gif, grass growing

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Soil Amendments

  • Calcium Silicate – 25% Calcium 33% Silicon

Adds much needed calcium and also adds high levels of silicon. Has 75% of the liming potential ofdolomite. 


  • 0-5-34 Sunflower Seed Hull Ash – 34% Potassium 5% Phosphorous

Natural Organic source of potassium that provides soluble and insoluble breakdown for extended release up to 90 days. Non-burning and excellent carbon source.

  • Tennessee Brown Rock – 39% Calcium 27% Phosphorous 3.5% Iron

OMRI Certified source that provides slow release of three important nutrients. 


  • Leonardite – Humate

High organic humate which is non-burning, will add needed carbon, and increases CEC in soil.

  • Iron Humate - 22% Iron 2.4% Magnesium 1.5% Sulfur

High organic source of iron that is non-burning and adds much needed carbon.

  • Gypsum – 21% Calcium 16% Sulfur

Calcium sulfate that is a safe source of sulfur and an excellent source of calcium. Non-burning.

  • Revinu (2-0-0)

Heat Reacted combination of sludge and hydrated lime. Applied at 1 ton per acre applies 1 lb of
nitrogen and similar liming as dolomite. Also applies 12% soluble calcium.