Foliar fertilizers are believed by many to be the most efficient way to fertilize turf grass. With lower rates and a lower chance of leaching, foliar fertilizers are a good choice for many people. Dry fertilizer is the conventional way that most people fertilize their turf grass. We also create unique custom blends to best fit the needs of each individual customer.
SEP carries a wide variety of chemicals to help take care of all your needs. These include
Fungicides, Herbicides and Insecticides. We have a full listing her and in our catalog but if you would prefer to talk to a representative for a more detailed explaination, please contact us directly.
Southeast Partners, Inc., carries a variety of wetting agents, dyes and turf paint that can be custom built to fit your needs. We carry full lines of wetters, re-wetters, granular agents, tablets, silicone-based agents and stickers. Whatever your needs are, we can find and customize the right product for you. Call us today to talk with an expert now.
With all qualifying orders we will award points, be sure to see our website for point values and unlike anyone else's we require no invoices to turn in by you! We take care of all the paperwork. If there is a product for your course that is not on our list let us know and we will try our best to make it happen...