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Southeast Turf Partners, Inc. (SEP) is excited to become an integral part of your turf grass maintenance program.  We offer a full range of superior fertilizers, seed, and chemical products to provide your facility with the best opportunity to perform at its maximum potential.

SEP has aligned itself with the best possible products and experienced sales consultants in the marketplace today.  SEP includes BTCS, G to Z Turf Services, Inc. and Chemical Solutions of South Florida as members of our family.  The combined turf grass experience of these consultants exceeds 200 years.  SEP began operating as a representative for manufacturers who carry various nutrient and plant protection products. 

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Concentrating mainly in the Southeastern United States, we continue to function as a wholesale distributor of turf grass products and accessories to the golf course industry, as well sports turf, arenas, and recreational facilities.

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Over the years we have been instrumental in the development of micronutrients used in turf grass care, and have changed and developed into a leading company that formulates, packages and represents other manufacturer’s products as well as our own product line; bringing new technologies and products to the ever-changing marketplace.

SEP is committed to bring environmentally friendly products to the marketplace.
All products containing > 50% organic components are designated with symbol.
All products that are 100% organic are designated with symbols.