In order for a turf to grow and thrive, it needs a number of different chemical elements. The most important are:

  • Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen - Available from air and water and therefore in plentiful supply
  • Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - The three macronutrients and the three elements you find in most packaged fertilizers
  • Sulfur, calcium, and magnesium - Secondary nutrients
  • Boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc - Micronutrients

       To make turf grow faster, what you need to do is supply the elements that the grass needs in readily            

       available forms. That is the goal of fertilizer.

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Custom Dry Blends

SEP represents different fertilizer manufactures across the state, custom blending to your specs to make sure the best quality; price and service are available to your needs. With innovative cost key service, we can custom formulate and provide you with a quote in a very short time, so you can make the best decision for your needs in a timely manner. This along with Wolf Trax technology makes SEP the right choice for your fertilizer needs! 

Animated gif, grass growing

with questions regarding this service

Custom Dry Blends

11-0-11 - 5.28 Mg, 3 Fe, 1 Mn, .21 Ca

This fertilizer has been proven for years in the golf and home lawn market. 

100% of the nitrogen is controlled release derived from Uflexx. 

All the potash comes from sulfate of potash magnesium, and even though 

no phosphorus is listed, there is some from the sludge that is in the mix. 

This also makes it a great fertilizer for palms.


15-0-15 w/Talstar   .5 Fe, .05 Cu, .02 B, .05 Zn, .0005 Mo

This mix is 50% slow release nitrogen with a good balanceof minors.  

It is sparged withTalstar for chinch bug control and should be used 

in the spring and fall. One bag covers 7,500 sq ft

16-0-6 - 1 Mg , 1 Mn, 5 Fe

This is a great mix for Floratam lawns and any other grass.25% of the nitrogen is 

slow release and the minors are agood balance for turf nutrition. The iron 

and manganeseare derived from sucrates which will not stain driveways.

Riveria Golf Course, Florida