Adjuvants enhances the performance of pesticide applications by helping get them where they need to be! Adjuvants cause pesticides to stick to plants, spread over leaves and penetrate plant material.

Blades with dew for Adjuvants

SEP Lemon Aide

Blades with dew for Adjuvants
Product Label


SEP Lemon Aide is a concentrated blend of surfactants, polymers, and a lemon fragrance for application through spray equipment.  

Sep Lemon Aide will drive pests to the target chemical while masking the chemical odor.

SEP Lemon Aide

  • SEP Lemon Aide has a low burn potential for all types of turf, both cool and warm season grasses.
  • SEP Lemon Aide is easy to mix even in cold water.
  • SEP Lemon Aide makes more use of applied insecticide leading to savings and less applications
  • SEP Lemon Aide has no excessive foaming problems.
  • SEP Lemon Aide  improves the efficacy of the insecticide through the use of a non-ionic surfactant which is compatible with most insecticides.
  • SEP Lemon Aide breaks down the natural resistance barrier found around an insect to allow improved contact of the insecticide to the outer surfaces of the insect.
  • SEP Lemon Aide attracts insects with the irresistible lemon fragrance.